Gyms and fitness centres are packed in the New Year with a combination of hard-core regulars, people returning from relapse and those brand new to the whole gym experience. With such a broad range of people, perspectives and goals, it can be tough for everyone to always get along.

Gym etiquette reminders can help ensure everyone enjoys their workouts.

For those just starting, it can be intimidating. Knowing the "how-to's" can help make it more comfortable. For the regulars, it's a good reminder to empathize and share what you know. Fitting in your workout might be "me time" but remember it is shared space so being conscientious is key.

In the weight room:

  • Appropriate attire is always in fashion. Regardless of whether you like to dress up or down, be considerate to others and choose wisely. Avoid clothing that's revealing, or just not gym wear.
  • Clean up once you've finished. Wipe down any equipment you used including dumbbells, bars and mats. And always return equipment to where it belongs - even if someone else didn't!
  • Share space and equipment. Avoid using multiple pieces at one time or "holding" equipment with your towel or other personal items. Ask others for a turn and be willing to reciprocate.
  • Mirror behaviour. It sounds funny, but mirrors can be a hot spot in a weight room. Avoid walking between someone and the mirror if they're mid set - they're looking at form. Avoid posing in the mirror - practice posing in private!

Additional quick tips for best practice:

  1. Don't drop weights - it doesn't make you look cool!
  2. Avoid spitting - that's just rude.
  3. Keep grunts and other vocals to a minimum - it's obvious when it's for show!
  4. Don't use chalk - that's just messy.
  5. Avoid interrupting someone in the middle of an exercise.

In the cardio area:

  • Don't have reservations! Resist the urge to use a towel or water bottle to save equipment for you or a friend. During peak periods, keep cardio time to 30 minutes to allow everyone to work in.
  • Tidy up. Just like the weight room, make sure you wipe down the equipment and the area wherever you touched it or sweat may have flown.
  • Let proper use prevail. The YouTube videos are funny, but don’t dance on the treadmill or other equipment, it’s not safe!

In the group exercise area:

  • Be space aware. Space in a group exercise class can be contentious! Regulars have "their spot" and may take offence if you encroach - so be aware. If you are regular, remember you may have your preferences, but you don't own any gym real estate. For everyone, make sure you leave sufficient space depending on what kind of class it is - for equipment, movement and safety!
  • Arrive on time. A couple minutes late may be okay, but if you enter after the warm up, you’re not working out safely and it disrupts the group and instructor.
  • Appropriate attire. Your comfort is key, but the comfort of others is important as well. Like in the weight room, dress up or down based on your preference, but avoid attire that is skimpy or see-through. We left that long ago in the 80's!

Don’t ogle at the group exercise area. Check it out if you’re interested in class, but avoid staring from the weight room or cardio area.

In the locker room:

  • Wash your workout gear. The number of people in and out of a gym makes hygiene a challenge, don't add to the odour!
  • Keep private grooming private! These are things like shaving, waxing, clipping nails and other practices better left for home.
  • Be appropriately reserved. YOU may be comfortable roaming naked, but others may not! Some clubs end up having to post this as a rule.
  • Be locker savvy. Stick to one locker vs. taking up 2 or 3.
  • Keep contained. Avoid spreading out clothes and toiletries across benches or counters, particularly during peak times.

These final tips relate to an issue that divides many modern gym-goers: mobile phones.

While some claim this multi-tasking is the only way to fit workouts in, most often phones are being used for personal and casual conversations as opposed to emergencies or urgent business issues!


  • Keep your phone close by if you need it for contact or emergencies.
  • Keep the ringer low or put it on vibrate.
  • Excuse yourself from the group area if you need to have a conversation.

DO NOT: Carry on casual, loud conversations in shared spaces. It's taking away from your focus and your results!

If you'd like to keep the conversation by adding your gym etiquette pet peeve, tip or question, .

If you have a specific question we'd love to hear from you at . We also have a quick survey to find out your biggest challenges to help plan workouts and support for our new online team challenge to be announced soon!