A Nova Scotia couple have had a stranger’s Christmas gifts under their tree for the past several days.

They belong to 78-year-old Bill Bonner and it’s not much of a stretch to say the pair of good Samaritans helped to save his Christmas this year.

It all started on Monday, when Darlene and Danny Boudreau noticed the slightly puzzled senior holding up bags of Christmas gifts in the sprawling parking lot of Dartmouth’s Mic Mac Mall.

It’s no surprise that Bonner had lost track of his car, considering it’s one of the largest shopping malls in all of Atlantic Canada.

So the couple offered to drive him around to help him find his light-blue Jeep. The chatty senior, who never gave his name to them, offered $20 for their help.

But Boudreau told they refused it and told him: “Just get in the car, I'll drive around and we'll find your vehicle.â€

After circling the lot, they eventually found his vehicle and they parted ways. But the couple quickly realized he’d forgotten his shopping bags that he’d initially tossed into the back seat.

The Boudreaus began on social media — garnering plenty of likes and retweets — and a day later, word finally reached Bonner.

“It was incredible,†Boudreau told CTV Atlantic on Monday. “All the people on the internet and people just calling and trying to figure out who this mystery guy was."

Bonner was thrilled and called the couple on Tuesday morning.

Before he called them, Boudreau’s wife said she’d barely slept, saying she was constantly “checking the Facebook messages to see if someone had gotten in contact with me.â€

Bonner’s coworkers at a Dartmouth car dealership said the outpouring of support couldn’t have come to a more fitting person.

“The lady that runs our canteen was sick this (Tuesday) morning, so he went out and bought breakfast for all the parts guys in the parts department,†Bill Malcolm, the parts manager at the dealership, told .

After the whirlwind past two days, there’s a key lesson Bonner is taking away from the whole ordeal: “Remember where you parked your car. That's probably the most important thing.â€