OTTAWA - A new poll suggests the Liberals are still losing support while the Tories are holding steady and have a 13-point edge.

The Canadian Press Harris-Decima survey indicates the Tories remain at 36 per cent, while the Liberals have slipped to 23.

The poll suggests the NDP has crept up to 18 per cent, the Greens have gained a point to 12 and the Bloc is off a point at nine.

The changes are within the poll's margin of error, however.

The survey suggests the Liberals still hold a lead in the Atlantic provinces, while the Tories are ahead in Ontario and British Columbia, where the Liberals are third behind the NDP.

The poll surveyed a total of 1,267 people Sunday through Wednesday and is considered accurate to within 2.8 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

More information on the poll is available from Respondents were asked: "If a federal election were being held tomorrow, whom do you think you would be voting for in your area?"