Boot Camp Workouts

...a "wow" of a workout or simply a pain in the butt!


�         It seems that a lot of trainers claim to be the "pioneers" of boot camp training, but in reality...this has been around in fitness for ages in various forms

�         Boot camp classes - indoor or outdoor or around the fitness club

�         More remote or resort locations have been running outdoor adventure and trekking workouts like boot camps

�         With the introduction of shows like Survivor first, and then following with Ultimate Boot Camp Challenge, The Last 10 Pounds, etc. people are seeing drama...but success...and hope!

�         So many people want that magic bullet or pill that will help them shed excess weight and get fit and firm; most of us realize that a pill or a machine at home isn't the answer and this offers another alternative

�         Very external - someone does the pushing for you...because face it, it's tough to stay on track so boot camp potentially gives you the discipline you've been lacking!

�         From the full boot workouts have evolved to fit in to the whole allure and theme of the tough and effective workouts

�         Countless articles in fitness magazines that show a boot camp for your belly, arms or legs...or all - in just 5 exercises!


Quick results - initially at least, from an intense emersion in to a fitness routine

Tough - because of the theme, the group and the approach, it really does kick your butt...and you expect that, where you may be offended if your local club step instructor spoke to you that way!

Team - it does build a team feeling and a commitment to show up - we do this at our corporate locations and you have to do an extra drill if you miss a session without giving notice

Boot Camp Programs - the workouts are set and structured and it can give you that boost and kick start you need

Boot Camp workouts - are time-efficient and feasible to fit in to your hectic day

Home boot camp workout outlines:

What makes a workout "boot camp-ish"

�         Basics

�         Push ups

�         Jumping Jacks

�         Stair Climbing - using real stairs

�         Exercise Names - making them tougher or themed

�         Timing - creating a fast-paced circuit where you feel you're being challenged

�         Atmosphere - in classes and programs, instructors will use whistles, wear fatigues, talk tough, use hard music, no frills in equipment or approach

Boot Camp Formula

Warm Up + Circuits + Cool Down = Boot Camp

Warm Up

�         Light to moderate cardio

�         Walking, stair climbing, skipping


Step 1 - Set your pace

Sets and reps - 10-20 repetitions

Time - 30-60 seconds

Step 2 - Set your focus

Choose 4-6 muscle exercises

Choose cardio options

Step 3 - Sequence

Alternate muscle and cardio

This isn't the ONLY way to set up your boot camp, but it makes it easy as you can plug in different exercises for variety and a total body workout.

Cool Down:

Light walking, stairs

Home boot camp formula - use this chart, fill in your exercises:

Warm Up

Moderate cardio - walking or stairs, light jog, etc.

2-5 minutes



Focus on upper or lower body or alternate

10-20 repetitions


Stair climbing, skpping, jogging, etc.

30-60 sec




30-60 sec




30-60 sec



Cool Down

Light cardio - walking, stairs, etc.

1 minute

Lean Leg Boot Camp




Warm Up

Walk up and down a flight of stairs

Briskly walk up and down a flight of stair

3 x's

3 x's

Survivor Squats

Stair Squat

Stand turned to the side of the step with both feet on the floor.  Step with the inside foot onto the bottom step, squatting down.  Press back up and bring foot back down to the start position on the floor.

10-15 each leg


Briskly walk up and down a flight of stairs

2-3 x's

"RHite, Leeft"

Clock Lunges

Right foot - Step and lunge with the rt foot to 12:00 and back; 1:00 and back; etc. to 6:00

Left foot - repeat as above with lt foot from 12:00; 11:00; etc. to 6:00

2 x's each leg


Briskly walk up and down a flight of stairs

2-3 x's

"Quicksand Squats"

Stair Squat Lifts

Stand turned to the side with one foot on the bottom step; feet about shoulder width apart.  Squat down and then press back up lifting the bottom knee up and balancing on the foot on the step - pulling up like your foot is in quicksand!  Continue squat lift and then repeat on the other side.

10-15 each leg


Briskly walk up and down a flight of stairs

2-3 x's

Butt Bridges

Hip Bridges

Lie down with knees bent and feet flat on the floor - feet and knees together.  Keep head and shoulders relaxed, press in to heels and lift hips up and down.


Feet up - on a step or stool (not quite as high as a chair)

One leg - lift one foot off the floor (do not cross it over the other leg)


10-20 each leg if doing them one-legged

Cool Down

Walk up and down a flight of stairs

2 x's

Approximate Time

6-10 minutes

            Special Themes

�         Bikini/> Boot Camp

�         Adventure Boot Camp

�         Survivor Boot Camp

�         Bridal Boot Camp

�         Corporate Boot Camp

�         Nutrition

Shape up Vacations

�         Ski

�         Surf

�         Fitness

�         Golf

�         Rafting

�         Locations

�         Indoor - use a variety of circuit training and equipment in creative challenges

�         Outdoor - use both equipment but the outdoors creatively in a progression of drills

�         Community property - parks, conservation areas

�         Churches


Costs vary depending on the duration of program, but essentially, it average fee ranges from $10-$20

4-week sessions = $299 +/-

Monthly Memberships - $180/month +/-

Annual Memberships - $1500/year +/-


�         Tough - these workouts can be extremely challenging and many do subscribe to the yell and tell type of fitness instruction (versus a softer educate and motivate); make sure YOU like, enjoy or are motivated by this style

�         Regulation - not a lot of regulation for that part of the fitness industry

�         Check qualifications for both fitness and nutrition

�         Liability - ask about the trainer's liability, the company and any specifics about the location

�         Sustainability - once you finish the 4-week session, you can't simply return to the couch with a bag of chips!  Old habits and issues will rear their ugly head again and send you on a rollercoaster of frustration