Spring forward with a healthy back

Regaining your composure:

3 Exercises


To help to build the foundation of strength through the lower body

Start:  feet hip to shoulder distance apart in a tall posture

Action:  press down, sitting down and back like you're sitting in a chair; push through your full foot to press back up

Focus:  keep knees over the heels, torso long - avoid bending or rounding through the back

Hip Hinges

A very action-specific movement that helps to build functional strength

Start:  feet hip to shoulder distance apart in a tall posture and knees slightly bent; head upright (at 12:00 visualizing a clock)

Action:  keeping the torso long, bend from the hip only as far as you can maintain that long posture (between 1:30 and 2:30)

Focus:  press in to your feet to initiate the lift back up from the hinge position

Option:  once strength increases, try a 1-foot option

Shoulder Balde Squeezes

To help develop strength and good posture through the upper back

Start:  standing tall with arms stretched out in front at chest level

Action:  keeping arms extended, squeeze the shoulder blades together and release

Focus:  keep shoulders relaxed and work to increase the range of motion

3 Stretches

Arc Back

Why:  To balance the posture from being in a hunched over position

Start:  Stand with feet firmly planted with knees slightly bent.  Action:  Arc back gently with control - hold - then release

Chest Stretch

Why:  To lengthen chest muscles, shortened from shoulders rounding forward

Start:  standing or seated, place hands finger tips behind head

Action:  press elbows open and back

Hip Flexor Stretch

Why:  Tight hip flexors can often contribute to stress on the back

Start:  Stand tall balanced one foot, extending the other leg back with toe up on a step, stool or chair

Action:  Bend the front knee and gently press your hip forward

Good posture

  • Take micro breaks during your day

  • Do posture checks - sometimes we just forget

  • MOVE! - to give critical breaks from awkward posture and to keep your blood flowing!