Can the foods you eat cause a migraine headache?

For some people, yes, and so can other lifestyle habits. Certain foods, being overweight, stress, lack of sleep and changes in your daily routine or environment can set off a migraine or worsen the pain by influencing brain chemicals or stimulating areas of the brain. When it comes to foods, the most common triggers include: chocolate, cheese, citrus fruit and alcohol, especially red wine.

Tyramine, a natural chemical found in pickled and fermented foods, is thought to precipitate a migraine. Tyramine-rich foods include: aged cheese, sour cream, yogurt, smoked or cured meat and fish, red wine, beer, yeast, teriyaki sauce, soy sauce, miso and tempeh. Brazil nuts, peanuts, avocados, bananas, raspberries and raisins also contain tyramine.

Foods that contain monosodium glutamine (MSG) such as some commercial soups, soy sauce, salad dressings and frozen dinners have also been linked to migraines.

Aspartame, an artificial sweetener found in many diet drinks and foods, has also been reported to trigger migraines in some people.

Another possible culprit: preservatives called nitrates and nitrates added to deli meats, hot dogs, sausages and bacon.

Migraine triggers vary from person to person and from headache to headache in the same person. Often it's not just one trigger that provokes a migraine attack, but the combined effect of a few. If you think your diet or other lifestyle habits may be worsening your migraine, keep a food and headache diary to identify patterns and potential triggers.

What about caffeine? Does it cause or cure a migraine?

High doses of caffeine can cause headaches. Limit your intake to no more than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day - the amount in roughly 12 ounces of regular coffee. Consider caffeine from all sources: soft drinks, tea, energy drinks and chocolate.

If you consume caffeine regularly, don't go cold turkey. Abruptly stopping caffeine can cause withdrawal headaches. Gradually cut back over two to three weeks.

Are there any foods or supplements that can help prevent a migraine?

Magnesium. It's thought that a deficiency of the mineral magnesium in the brain can cause nerve cells to be overly excited, triggering a migraine attack. Some studies have shown that taking a magnesium supplement can reduce migraine frequency in adults and children.

The best sources of magnesium include whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, dried fruit and leafy green vegetables.

Studies have given patients 600 milligrams of magnesium per day as a supplement. But before supplementing, speak to your health care provider. Taking more than 350 milligrams of magnesium can cause diarrhea and stomach upset.

Riboflavin. This B vitamin is needed to facilitate the release of energy from all cells in the body, including brain cells. Two well-controlled studies found that a daily 400 milligram supplement of riboflavin was effective at reducing the frequency of headache attacks.

It may make take up to three months to notice an improvement in headache frequency. Riboflavin supplements are nontoxic and very well tolerated.

Are there any other tips to manage migraines?

Don't skip meals. Fasting or going for a prolonged period of time without eating can cause a migraine attack. Eat three balanced meals and one or two mid day snacks to help balance your blood sugar and brain chemical levels.

Stick to a sleep schedule. Evidence strongly suggests that good sleep habits can cut migraines. Headache experts advise going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. Adults should aim for seven to eight hours of sleep each night; children and teenagers need nine to 10 hours.

Get regular exercise. Physical activity can improve sleep, help blow off stress, and reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. If you're not used to exercise, take it slowly. Over-exertion may provoke a migraine.

Manage your weight. Studies have revealed that adults and children who are overweight have more frequent -- and more disabling -- headaches than their leaner peers. Exactly why is not known, but a lack of exercise and poor sleep habits may be involved. (Obesity often leads to poor sleep.)