NEW YORK - The masseuse who discovered Heath Ledger's body spent nine minutes making three calls to "Full House'' actress Mary-Kate Olsen before she dialled 911 for help, police said Thursday. The masseuse called Olsen a fourth time after paramedics arrived.

The details about the calls do not have any significant bearing on the investigation because authorities believe Ledger was dead at that point and have ruled out foul play. But they paint a more precise picture of the bizarre series of events surrounding Ledger's final moments.

Police originally said the masseuse made two calls to Olsen in seeking her help about what to do, but revised it to four after taking a closer look at Ledger's phone records. The masseuse, Diana Wolozin, apparently knew both Ledger and Olsen and that they were friends; all the calls were made from Ledger's cellphone.

  • Star! will be airing a special regarding the sudden death of Heath Ledger. "Broken Promise: The Tragic Death of Heath Ledger," airs Friday, January 25 at 9 p.m. ET on Star! Featuring expert medical opinion from Dr. Marla Shapiro, commentary from eTalk's Elaine 'Lainey' Lui and celebrity reactions from Nicole Kidman, Mel Gibson, Stanley Tucci and more.

At 1 p.m. Tuesday, Ledger's housekeeper went into his bedroom to change a light bulb, saw him sleeping and heard what she thought was snoring. The masseuse showed up for Ledger's appointment at about 2:45 p.m. and knocked on his door and called his cellphone at 3 p.m. to wake him up.

After setting up her massage table, she tried to wake Ledger and realized something was wrong.

That was when the episode took a strange turn.

At 3:17 p.m., she made a call to the Olsen twin that lasted 49 seconds. At 3:20 p.m., she made another call -- this one lasting a minute and 39 seconds. She made a third call at 3:24, which lasted 21 seconds.

She called 911 at 3:26 p.m.

Before this frenzy, Olsen, who was in California, summoned her personal security guards to the apartment to help with the situation, the NYPD said.

Paramedics arrived at 3:33 p.m., and actually went up in the elevator to the apartment with Olsen's security guards. Paramedics did not allow the security guards into the bedroom where Ledger died, and they declared him dead at 3:36 p.m. -- 19 minutes after the first call to Olsen.

The masseuse called Olsen a final time at 3:34 p.m. The duration of that call was unknown.