Kris Jenner has had a facelift for her daughter Kim Kardashian's wedding.

The reality TV star is expected to wed fiance Kris Humphries on August 20 in a televised spectacle and 55-year-old Kris went under the knife to ensure she looks picture perfect for the big day.

Kris' daughter Khloe explained: "She looks amazing. They say you are supposed to have a lot of swelling for a week or so after, but I didn't notice."

Khloe added her mother has been "out and about" since going under the knife "about a month ago."

The facelift will be featured on an upcoming episode of 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians', with a recent sneak peek revealing Kris had to be reassured by Kim before her surgery.

Kris complained: "I've never had such a stressful morning, honestly, in my life."

Kim said: "Don't cry. If you're scared, you don't have to do it. I'm sure people are scared all the time."

However, Kim and Kris have reportedly clashed over the cost of the wedding with Kim wanting a lavish event and her mother hoping to make a profit from the nuptials.

A source said: "Kris is very business-minded. The wedding is becoming such a lavish extravaganza that she is worried that all the money that's going to be made from the wedding [via the sale of photo rights and sponsorships] will have to go right back into it.

"Kim really does want it to be America's version of the royal wedding."