OTTAWA - Some key numbers culled from the  on the Canadian family, released Wednesday by Statistics Canada:

  • 54,700 -- Decrease since the last census in the number of married couples with children across Canada.
  • 8.1 -- Percentage of the adult population that is divorced. Twenty years ago, the figure was only 3.5 per cent.
  • 9.4 -- Percentage of children under the age of five whose mothers are in their 40s. Women are delaying childbirth more than ever before.
  • 18.9 -- Percentage increase of common-law couples since the 2001 census. The number of married couples increased by only 3.5 per cent over the same period.
  • 19.9 -- Percentage of lone-parent families headed by men. While women still lead most families with just one parent, the number of Mr. Moms is increasing as a result of more joint custody arrangements.
  • 24.4 -- Percentage of men age 80 or older who live alone; for women in the same cohort, it's 54.5 per cent.
  • 43.5 -- Percentage of young adults in their 20s who are still living at home. In Newfoundland and Labrador, the number is 52.2 per cent.
  • 66.8 -- Proportion of households in Stanley, Man., that are made up of couples with children _ the location with the highest proportion in Canada. Stanley, which has a large Mennonite community, also has the country's lowest proportion of lone-parent families (1.7 per cent).
  • 77.1 -- Growth rate over the last five years in the number of people age 60 to 64 who are living in common-law relationships.
  • 45,345 -- Number of same-sex couples across Canada, of which 7,465 were legally married.
  • 209,900 -- Canadian children who share a home with a grandparent. Of that total, 28,200 were being raised by a grandparent because their parents were not living with them.
  • 8,896,840 -- Total number of "census families'' enumerated on May 16, 2006. By official definition, a census family "is composed of a married couple or a common-law couple, with or without children, or of a lone parent living with at least one child in the same dwelling. A couple can be of the opposite sex or the same sex.''