In the minds of the Kardashians, it must have come as no great surprise to find themselves on Barbara Walters' most fascinating people list of 2011. After all, it's been quite a year for TV's number one reality clan -- particularly for daughter Kim. Her wedding to Kris Humphries and its subsequent collapse after 72 days made tabloid news for weeks. That kind of pop culture mega-news certainly cannot be ignored.

But does that make it right to include a family known for brazen self-absorption, rather than talent, on Walters' prestigious list?

That's the question many people will be debating after watching the veteran journo's annual special, "Barbara Walters Presents: The 10 Most Fascinating People of 2011."

The Kardashians found their way onto a list topped by the late Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple and a man who changed the world by pioneering the personal computer revolution.

Other notable names included Simon Cowell, Herman Cain, Donald Trump, Katy Perry and Derek Jeter.

To her credit, Walters fired some blunt words at 2011's most "fascinating" TV mavens.

"You don't really act. You don't sing. You don't dance. You don't have any -- forgive me -- any talent," Walters told the Kardashian clan with unflappable calm.

Daughter Kim, 31, was unfazed by Walters' assessment.

"I think it's more of a challenge to go on a reality show and get people to fall in love with you for being you," Kardashian replied.

Walters also directed attention back to Kim's 2007 sex tape, which provided the real impetus for Kardashian's worldwide fame.

"I've made mistakes in my life for sure," Kardashian told Walters.

Kardashian shed no tears over her admission. Walters usually makes at least one of her fascinating people sob into their hankies, as the world well knows.

How that lack of emotion -- or remorse -- will play with fans and critics remains to be seen.

But earlier on "The View," the mere mention of the Kardashian name elicited boos from the show's audience. That reaction came when Walters explained her reasons for including the Kardashian family among her most fascinating people of the year.

Even David Letterman found it hard to say a favourable word about the reality stars when Walters appeared on the "Late Show" on Tuesday to promote her special.

Letterman has made Kim Kardashian the target of many jokes since her divorce.

When Walters asked if he liked the Kardashians, Letterman hemmed and hawed.

"I'm going to do you a favour. I'm taking them off the list," Letterman said wryly, as he scratched out their names on a piece of paper.

Still, the biggest putdown of the talentless but entertaining family came from Walters.

"You cannot trust the Kardashians," Walters told Letterman.

"They were the first ones we interviewed and we did them in September," Walters explained.

"We said, ‘Anything going to happen?' 'No, no, no, you can do it now because nothing's going to happen.' Then Kim gets married. Then Kourtney gets pregnant. Then Khloe's moving to Dallas," she lamented.

Indeed, the sisters went on to make headlines. Walters failed to get the scoop. But that's okay.

Walters' special has stirred the pot of public opinion. Walters can thank the "talentless" Kardashians for that.