NEW YORK - Foxy Brown, warned by a judge that her next probation offense would be her last, was allowed to remain free Thursday after she pleaded guilty to violating probation by leaving New York without permission.

Brown was arrested during a fracas at a beauty supply store in Pembroke Pines, Fla., on Feb. 15. Police charged her with resisting an officer and simple battery.

Lawyers for the Department of Probation and the Manhattan district attorney's office urged Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Melissa Jackson to jail the 27-year-old rapper, whose real name is Inga Marchand. Both, in effect, called her incorrigible.

But Jackson said, "If she pleads guilty to leaving the jurisdiction without permission, I will allow her to continue on probation with the condition that on the next violation, she's getting resentenced."

"I'm going to give her basically what is a third chance," the judge said. "I'm going to give her one more chance -- three strikes and you're out. Basically, I'll be giving the keys to the jailhouse to Ms. Marchand."

"I'm reserving the right to resentence you to jail for a year," Jackson told Brown. "You have the key, but that key will be taken away from you in a flash" if the rapper commits another violation.

Brown, in 3 1/2-inch heels and a tight tan plaid skirt and mauve blouse, smiled broadly and spoke animatedly outside court about the judge's decision.

"I believe Judge Jackson believes I'm trying to work hard," Brown said. "She seems to be saying, `I'm pulling for you, kiddo.' She's seeing the maturity in me and she believes in me. I'm at the rebuilding stage as a person."

Brown was sentenced to three years' probation and anger management classes after a fight with manicurists over payment at a nail salon in Manhattan's Chelsea area in 2004.

On Thursday, the judge told Brown she had to have a counseling session at least once a week for the next year.

Jackson told Brown's lawyer, State Sen. John Sampson, "If your client could have impulse control, she'd be fine."