LAS VEGAS - Hands cuffed at his waist and a defeated expression on his face, O.J. Simpson listened to a judge blister him Wednesday for "arrogance or ignorance or both'' for breaking bail terms in a robbery case.

"I don't know, Mr. Simpson, what the heck you were thinking, or maybe that's the problem -- you weren't,'' Clark County District Judge Jackie Glass lectured as she doubled his bail to $250,000.

Simpson's lawyer, Yale Galanter, said in an email late Wednesday that bail had been posted and Simpson was expected to be released from jail within hours.

Galanter earlier said Simpson would post the deed to his home.

The former NFL star had been ordered to have no contact with co-defendants or witnesses after he was freed on bail in September on charges of orchestrating the armed robbery of two sports memorabilia dealers at a hotel room.

Wednesday's brief custody hearing was called because Simpson mentioned co-defendant Clarence (C.J.) Stewart while leaving a sputtering, foul-mouthed phone message two months ago for his bail bondsman, Miguel Pereira of You Ring We Spring.

"I just want, want C.J. to know that...I'm tired of this (expletive),'' Simpson said in a transcript.

"Fed up with (expletives) changing what they told me. All right?''

Though there was no indication Stewart received the message, prosecutor Chris Owens suggested it was threatening. The judge merely said she didn't like the tone.

"I don't know if it's just arrogance. I don't know if it's ignorance,'' she said.

"But you've been locked up at the Clark County Detention Center since Friday because of arrogance or ignorance -- or both.''

Simpson, wearing a dark jail shirt and pants with orange slippers, grimaced as Glass announced she was doubling his bail. He spoke only when asked if he understood the terms.

"Yes, your honour,'' the greying football star said evenly.

Simpson, 60, was picked up Friday in Florida by Pereira and taken back to Nevada for violating terms of his release.

Galanter accused Pereira of providing Simpson's bail for the publicity.

"You wanted some notoriety for your company,'' Galanter said, noting Pereira had been handing out pens embossed with the name of his company and the words, "O.J.'s way out.''

Pereria called Simpson's lawyer "a shark.'' He also said he gave prosecutors audio recordings of conversations he had with Simpson last Friday while escorting Simpson.

The recordings contain "self-admissions to things that were committed,'' Pereira said late Wednesday.

He said he could not provide details "because there's an investigation pending.''

A spokesman for Clark County District Attorney David Roger declined comment.

Galanter denied Simpson made self-incriminatory statements and said defence lawyers knew Pereira was recording Simpson.

"I think the tapes will speak for themselves,'' Galanter said.

Galanter stipulated during the hearing that Simpson made the call, though he insisted to reporters Simpson wasn't trying to contact the co-defendant. In court, the lawyer didn't contest the issue.

"I think you need to pick and choose your battles carefully,'' Galanter said.

"I needed to ensure my client would go home.''

Glass told Simpson to post his bail, go back to Florida and return April 7 for his trial in an episode strange even by Las Vegas standards.

Simpson was accused of leading a group of men to a hotel room where memorabilia dealers were peddling collectibles associated with Simpson, including the suit he wore the day he was acquitted in the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ron Goldman. He said he wanted to retrieve family heirlooms and photographs, including one of him with the late FBI director J. Edgar Hoover.

The memorabilia dealers claimed guns were pulled. The man who arranged the meeting made an audio tape of the incident and one of the dealers contacted a syndicated TV show before calling police. For most of the men in the room, it was not their first brush with law enforcement.

Simpson, Stewart and Charles Ehrlich pleaded not-guilty Nov. 28 to kidnapping, armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, burglary, coercion and conspiracy charges. An armed robbery conviction carries mandatory prison time. A kidnapping conviction could bring a life sentence with the possibility of parole.

Three other former co-defendants have pleaded guilty to lesser charges and testified against Simpson.

Galanter said he was ordering his client to talk to no one but him and co-counsel Gabriel Grasso.