CHICAGO - The Rev. Jesse Jackson apologized Wednesday for "regretfully crude" comments he made about Barack Obama's speeches in black churches during what he thought was a private conversation with a reporter.

Jackson told CNN that the comments Sunday were in response to a question from a Fox News reporter about speeches on morality by the Democratic presidential candidate.

He said Wednesday that he had said Obama's speeches "can come off as speaking down to black people" and that there were other important issues to be addressed in the black community, such as unemployment, the mortgage crisis and the number of blacks in prison.

"And then I said something I thought regretfully crude but it was very private and very much a sound bite and a live mic," Jackson told CNN. He said he was not aware the microphone was still on.

A Fox spokeswoman said Jackson commented during a conversation with a guest on "Fox & Friends" before a live interview.

Jackson told The Associated Press he doesn't remember "exactly" what he said but that he was "very sorry."

Fox News on Wednesday night aired the excerpt of Jackson's comment, including a reference to wanting to cut off Obama's private parts.

Jackson issued a statement of apology earlier in the day.

"For any harm or hurt that this hot mic private conversation may have caused, I apologize," Jackson said. "My support for Senator Obama's campaign is wide, deep and unequivocal."

Jackson said he called Obama's campaign to apologize.

Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton noted that the Illinois senator grew up without his father and has spoken and written at length about the issues of parental responsibility and fathers participating in their children's lives, and of society's obligation to provide "jobs, justice and opportunity for all.

"He will continue to speak out about our responsibilities to ourselves and each other, and he of course accepts Reverend Jackson's apology," Burton said.

These comments are not the first Jackson has had to explain after believing he was off the record.

In 1984, he called New York City "Hymietown," referring to the city's large Jewish population. He later acknowledged it was wrong to use the term, but said he did so in private to a reporter.