JERUSALEM - Israel warned Friday of more attacks on foreigners in India by the Islamic militant group that carried out strikes in Mumbai last November, in which more than 170 people died.

One of the targets in the attacks was a Jewish community centre, where an Israeli rabbi and his wife were killed.

Nitzan Nuriel, head of counterterrorism at Israel's National Security Agency, told Israel Radio Friday that Israelis attending gatherings in India over the Jewish High Holy Days, which begin at sundown, should exercise extra vigilance.

"Make sure that there is protection from local (security services); armed, visible protection, police cars, jeeps and that kind of thing, which can deter a terrorist," he said.

A statement posted on the agency's website Thursday said there was "a very high and concrete threat" of more bloodshed.

"The terror organization which committed the grave attack in Mumbai ... is preparing to carry out a number of attacks across India, mainly in sites visited by Western and Israeli tourists," it said.

Nuriel said the warning was aimed at Israelis already in India and the agency was not counselling Israelis against all travel to the country, except for the troubled Kashmir-Jammu region.

India is a popular destination for Israelis, particularly young backpackers after completing their compulsory military service.