Career or a degree may be your priority now, but what about later?

With conflicting information regarding the best age to have a child hitting women from all angles -- celebrities becoming mothers well into their 40s, frightful studies showing pregnancy is 25 per cent less likely after 35, or infertility issues affecting 10 per cent of American couples of childbearing age -- it's understandable that young women still in their 20s and early 30s might experience some mixed emotions on her pregnancy timetable.

Betty Cruz, a 33-year-old masters student at the University of Pittsburgh, says the first thing she thinks about when considering her future is her NuvaRing, her preferred birth control. "And a job and marrying my partner of six years," she hastens to add.

Her point is clear. Like thousands of other young women who are choosing career and education over motherhood, hoping to conceive has taken a backseat to hoping not to conceive.

But even Cruz says she goes through "kicks" where she takes a multi-vitamin enriched with folic acid, the mineral doctors most often suggest adding to a pregnancy diet, in preparation of her someday-maybe-future baby.

We asked three fertility experts: What are the lifestyle issues women should consider to keep their body in top condition for future motherhood.

Nutrition and Exercise

John Jain, M.D., medical director of the Santa Monica Fertility Center in California, suggests a diet rich in vitamins and minerals and low in trans fats to women hoping to create a baby-ready body. Shannon McGranahan, M.D., an ob/gyn based in Canonsburg, Pa."We're seeing women postponing childbearing for a variety of personal reasons."

McGranahan suggests adding a multi vitamin that contains at least 400 micrograms of folic acid to a well-rounded diet. Jain agrees and adds that, "Eating whole foods is a good rule of thumb, and if you are a vegan or vegetarian or have other dietary restrictions, be aware of what your diet might be missing. But the main idea for being healthy and fertile is maintaining a healthy body weight."

"Weight is certainly a factor in fertility," says Jennifer Redmond, editor in chief of Maintaining a healthy body weight can be a make-or-break factor in conceiving. Both underweight and overweight women experience more problems than women with middle-of-the-road body mass index.

"Any extreme can lead to problems with conception," agrees Jain. "With obesity, the hormone insulin gets thrown off-kilter, which can lead to problems with ovulation. And underweight women can also have problems with ovulation. If a woman has a low enough body fat percentage, ovulation can cease altogether."

So live what Redmond considers a healthy lifestyle: watch your weight and your body mass index and be sure to engage in at least moderate exercise. If you are significantly overweight, consider implementing a diet and exercise plan to get down to a healthier weight. If you suffer from an eating disorder or over-exercising compulsion, seek therapy now to ensure your body ovulates regularly when it matters most.

Smoking and Boozing

"Smoking reduces both male and female fertility and reduces conception rates," says Redmond, who adds that that these are, obviously, in addition to the myriad of non baby-related health problems cigarettes can cause.

"Cigarette smoke affects organs through oxidation," says Jain. The body's tissues can be damaged by oxidants, including a woman's eggs. "It leads to a damaging environment within the ovaries." What about all those chain-smoking mamas with two, three or more? Science says sure -- but only when they're young. Smoking can cause you to become infertile earlier than you would as a nonsmoker.

When it comes to cocktails, the research is mixed. While some studies have shown that a single glass of red wine a day can actually improve a woman's overall health, a study from the Harris BirthRight Center of Reproductive Medicine in Sheffield, UK showed that women who drank less than five glasses of wine per week were twice as likely to get pregnant within six-months compared with those who drank more.

Jain, McGranahan and Redmond agree that when it comes to alcohol, how much is too much will always be contested. But Jain's advice is sound: "Moderation is really the guide, but certainly when you're actively trying to conceive you should cut back consumption to increase your odds."

Periods, Procedures and STDs

"Women should be aware of conditions they may have, including irregular periods or endometriosis, which can be signs of future problems," says Redmond. Pay attention to your body and get irregularities checked by your ob/gyn as soon as they arise, she says, and be sure to ask questions about how any conditions or treatments might affect your future fertility. Certain procedures, such as removing polyps and fibroids, can also be damaging to your uterine wall, and should be avoided if at all possible. But rather than refusing treatment, McGranahan suggests looking for ways around the problems without an invasive procedure. "But if the problem must be treated surgically, you should."

The same risks come with the termination of a pregnancy, which Jain says can have "a legacy of problems for women when they're later trying to conceive." Termination can lead to uterine damage or cause intrauterine adhesion or scar tissue that can keep pregnancies from taking hold in the uterus.

Then there's the added risk of infection. Jain adds that while surgical conditions resulting from an abortion are rare, the less trauma to your uterus the better when hoping to conceive.

But when it comes to safe sex, all three experts stress that STDs are one of the biggest risks for women when they are ready to conceive. "We hear of herpes and HPV but really gonorrhea and chlamydia are the big ones to watch out for," says Jain. The prevalence of these two often asymptomatic infections is high in the U.S. among young women and because they can go undetected they often become serious health and fertility problems. Both are infections of the cervix, says Jain, where bacteria can colonize into the uterus and fallopian tubes.

We know that eggs age -- and quite dramatically begin to die after 35 -- but fallopian tubes do not. This explains the phenomenon of female actresses conceiving children well into their 40s, says Jain, who hints that frozen or donor eggs might be the secret behind their surprising fertility.

But should a young woman hoping to hold off on pregnancy into her 30s consider freezing her eggs for later use?

Not unless she has a spare $15,000 lying around. "It's very expensive," says Jain. "But for a 28-year-old woman who knows her career is on the fast track and knows she doesn't want to have babies for a decade, what's wrong with saving her eggs, just in case?"