IOWA CITY, Iowa - Television's "" star  lent his celebrity to Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards on Saturday as part of an effort to woo young voters.

Denton, who plays the sexy plumber on CTV's popular show, joined Edwards' eldest daughter, Cate, on the campaign trail. They met with Edwards' student supporters and signed autographs at a homecoming tailgate party at the University of Iowa in Iowa City.

Denton, wearing a casual sweater and jeans, drew dozens of revellers - mostly women - from the hot dog-eating, beer drinking and party games taking place in a packed parking lot. He patiently posed as women young to old, and the occasional male, got their picture taken beside the star.

He told reporters that he had supported the former North Carolina senator when Edwards ran for president in 2004 and became Senatpr John Kerry's running mate, but wanted to do more for the Democratic party this time.

"I think the party kind of assumed that the election was a slam-dunk and found out the hard way you have to get out and work," he said.

So, this election season, Denton said he got in touch with the Edwards campaign and offered his help, including attending fundraisers in Los Angeles and stumping in the Heartland.

Edwards' proposals on ending the war in Iraq, providing universal health care and cleaning up the environment are what drew him to the candidate, Denton said.

"I decided I'll come to Iowa a few times and just do everything I can this time because I really believe he's the right guy," Denton said. "It's impressive to me that he's willing to say the tough things and let the chips fall where they may."