An itinerary of William and Kate's Canadian tour has been released. Some highlights:

Thursday, June 30

2 p.m. ET -- Arrive at Canada Reception Centre, Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport.

2:35 p.m. -- Arrive at National War Memorial for wreath-laying and book-signing; walkabout.

3:15 p.m. -- Arrive at Government House for official welcome to Canada ceremony; walkabout; speeches by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Gov. Gen. David Johnston; remarks by William.

6:00 p.m. -- Youth barbecue and reception in garden of Government House.

Friday, July 1

10:30 a.m. ET -- Arrive at Canadian Museum of Civilization for citizenship ceremony, group photograph and book-signing.

12:05 p.m. -- Arrive on Parliament Hill by landau for Canada Day show.

8:50 p.m. -- Arrive on Parliament Hill for Canada Day evening show.

Saturday, July 2

12:40 p.m. ET -- Tree planting at Government House.

1:10 p.m. -- Arrive at Canadian War Museum for reception with veterans, war brides and families; galleries walkthrough; painting-plaque unveiling.

2:45 p.m. -- Arrive at Ottawa Airport for departure.

3:45 p.m. -- Arrive at Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport, Montreal.

4:15 p.m. -- Arrive at Sainte-Justine University (Children's) Hospital Centre; view displays; meet children and parents.

5:45 p.m. -- Arrive at Institut de Tourisme et d'hotellerie du Quebec; cooking workshop and reception.

9:55 p.m. -- Arrive at HMCS Montreal and depart for Quebec City.

Sunday, July 3

9 a.m. ET -- Arrive Quebec City.

10:00 a.m. -- Prayer service aboard HMCS Montreal.

11:10 a.m. -- Youth event (location not disclosed).

12:15 p.m. -- Military ceremony (location not disclosed).

1:00 p.m. -- Arrive at Citadelle.

3:30 p.m. -- Arrive at community event (location not disclosed).

4:15 p.m. -- Arrive at Jean Lesage International Airport, Quebec City, for departure.

6:30 p.m. AT -- Arrive at Charlottetown Airport.

6:40 p.m. -- Depart for informal media reception.

Monday, July 4

10:10 a.m. AT -- Arrive at Province House, Charlottetown; tour; welcoming ceremony; remarks; walkabout.

11:00 a.m. -- Procession down Great George Street by open-top vehicle.

12:35 p.m. -- Waterbirding demonstration at Dalvay-by-the-Sea.

2:00 p.m. -- Dragon Boat race across Dalvay Lake.

2:15 p.m. -- Arrive at Dalvay-by-the-Sea Resort; presentation to winning team; smudging ceremony; cultural performances and culinary stations; beach activities.

3:45 p.m. -- Arrive at Summerside; search-and-rescue demonstration; meet families on dock.

5:00 p.m. -- Arrive at Summerside Airport for departure.

8 p.m. MT -- Arrive at Yellowknife Airport.

Tuesday, July 5

11:40 a.m. MT -- Arrive at Somba K'e Civic Plaza; prayer drum song; dance; remarks; demonstration of Dene games and Arctic sports; shrub-planting and plaque unveiling; street hockey hockey.

1:05 p.m. -- Arrive at legislative assembly; session of Youth Parliament and reception.

3:00 p.m. -- Depart by float plane for Blachford Lake.

3:30 p.m. -- Arrive at Blachford Lake; event with Canadian Rangers; meets Dechinta students and elders; tours organic garden/greenhouses; medicine walk; roundfire discussion with students and elders; canoe.

Wednesday, July 6

10:05 a.m. MT -- Arrive at Yellowknife Airport for departure.

Thursday, July 7

4:30 p.m. MT -- Arrive at Calgary International Airport; white-hatting ceremony.

5:00 p.m. -- Arrive at 21st Century Research and Innovation Centre; tour.

7:25 p.m. -- Arrive at BMO Centre for a reception hosted by Prime Minister Stephen Harper; Calgary Stampede activities.

8:15 p.m. -- Speech.

Friday, July 8

8:50 a.m. MT -- Arrive at Bow Valley College to officially launch Calgary Stampede Parade; watch parade.

11:30 a.m. -- Arrive at the ENMAX Conservatory/Calgary Zoo; tour environmental preservation displays; meet homeless youth privately; attend Alberta government reception.

12:45 p.m. -- Arrive at Challenger Rotary Park; wreath-laying.

1:30 p.m. -- Arrive at Calgary International Airport for departure to Los Angeles.