Why are so many diets doomed to failure? Many dieters adopt the wrong kinds of strategies, it seems, excluding favorite foods and replacing them with less desirable or less appetizing options. According to an American study, published in the journal Psychology & Marketing, this strategy tends to be chosen by dieters with low levels of self-control.

When it comes to dieting, three often-followed rules can set people up for failure: restricting enjoyable foods, trying to avoid certain foods altogether and not allowing any occasional treats.

Among the 542 participants studied by researchers at Baylor University in Texas, restriction and avoidance strategies were particularly observed among people with low levels of self-control. Such individuals are generally less successful in mastering their emotions and in reaching their goals.

When considering unhealthy foods that should be avoided when dieting, participants with low self-control first thought of the foods that they particularly enjoy, such as their favourite snacks and most tempting treats. Those with high levels of self-control thought of foods that they like but could reasonably forgo.

When asked what healthy foods should be eaten as part of a diet, the low self-control participants thought of foods they dislike or find unpalatable, such as Brussels sprouts, whereas those with high levels of self-control thought of foods they enjoy eating, such as strawberries.

In conclusion, the researchers suggest that dieters could try making a list of the foods that they enjoy eating, then favour the healthiest options.

For the researchers, this approach could be much more effective than trying to stick to a menu of supposedly "magical" foods while excluding other "poisonous" options.

in the journal Psychology & Marketing.