Move over Pilates and Zumba.

Hot fitness trends for 2014 include high-intensity interval training -- think CrossFit and P90X -- and body-weight training, such as push-ups, pull-ups and planks.

Also, yoga is expected to get even bigger.

The American College of Sports Medicine recently its survey of the Top 20 global fitness trends destined to be huge next year. But you won't find spinning, kickboxing, barefoot running, or stability-ball workouts on the list.

The survey included more than 3,815 fitness professionals around the globe who were asked to pick their predictions for 2014 fitness trends.

The findings show high-intensity interval training -- which involves working out as hard as you can for a short burst of time, followed by a short, less-intense period -- is destined for greatness next year.

Other 2014 trends include exercise for the treatment and prevention of obesity in children, core training, outdoor activities, circuit training, wellness coaching, sport-specific training, worker incentive programs and boot camp.