Canada needs to establish better methods to support food insecure families with newborns, according to a sociology professor who warns that the high cost and often limited availability of infant formula can have negative effects on babiesā€™ health.

Lesley Frank, an associate professor of sociology at Acadia University, said mothers of infants are particularly vulnerable to the effects of food insecurity because theyā€™re often malnourished, which makes breastfeeding difficult. As a result of this, mothers resort to feeding their children formula, Frank said.

ā€œMothers who could most benefit financially from breastfeeding are less likely to do so and when that happens, they need to use infant formula and thatā€™s unaffordable in Canada and difficult to access,ā€ she told CTVā€™s Your Morning from Wolfville, N.S. on Tuesday.

Frank said food insecurity is measured by Statistic Canadaā€™s Canadian Community Health Survey and refers to inadequate or insecure access to food because of financial constraints.

In Canada, food insecurity affects more than four million people ā€“ or one in eight homes, according to the survey.

For those mothers who canā€™t breastfeed and give their babies formula instead, Frank said they often have to turn to charitable organizations, which can be unreliable.

ā€œWhen you have to seek charity, you donā€™t know whatā€™s going to be there because charity is what someone might donate and you donā€™t know what someoneā€™s going to donate,ā€ she explained.

Frank said mothers might visit their local food bank in search of formula and if itā€™s not available there they might have to try other avenues, such as calling a church, asking their family doctor for a sample of formula they might have in the office, or asking a family resource centre for help. She described this occurrence of moving from one charity source to another as ā€œforaging for formula.ā€

ā€œMothers donā€™t know what theyā€™ll get and itā€™ll be different depending on where you are in the country,ā€ she said.

In addition to the burden of finding enough formula, Frank said mothers often have to take whatever is available to them, even if itā€™s not the right product for their child. She said babies are often switched from one formula to another ā€“ dependent on what is available at the time ā€“ which can be hard on the infantsā€™ digestion.