TORONTO -- Minister of Natural Resources Seamus O’Regan has tested negative for the novel coronavirus after entering self-isolation earlier this week.

“My COVID-19 test has come back negative, thankfully. I will continue to watch for symptoms — fever, a dry cough — and I urge everyone to do the same. Take care of yourself. Look out for one another,†O’Regan tweeted Friday evening.

O’Regan entered self-isolation on Tuesday on a doctor’s recommendation after coming down with a persistent head cold. He said he has been working from home.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau entered self-isolation on Thursday after his wife, Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, tested positive for the virus. Trudeau said he is feeling healthy and will continue to work from home.

Liberal MP Anthony Housefather and International Trade Minister Mary Ng are also in self-isolation. NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh revealed Thursday that he is self-isolating after falling ill, but that his doctor does not believe he has symptoms consistent with COVID-19.

According to a statement from the Conservative Party, no Conservative MPs are currently in self-isolation and none have been tested for COVID-19.

Toronto Mayor John Tory is also in self-isolation after returning home from a business trip to the U.K. on Wednesday. Toronto’s chief medical officer of health Dr. Eileen de Villa issued a new recommendation Friday that all international travellers self-isolate for 14 days.

Anyone who is not showing symptoms, but has had a high risk of exposure to the virus-- having been in close contact with someone who is ill, for example-- is being asked to self-isolate at home.