As the country waits for Health Canada to weigh in, the rules on e-cigarette use continue to evolve. Here is a partial list of places and business sectors that have created rules to limit e-cigarette use:

Airplanes, trains and automobiles

Transport Canada says e-cigarettes should not be packed in checked luggage, but it leaves it to individual airlines to set policy on use of e-cigarettes in flight. Airlines have generally adopted no-vaping-onboard policies.

Via Rail bans the use of e-cigarettes on its trains. Likewise, e-cigarette use is not allowed on Greyhound buses.

Nova Scotia's soon-to-be-enacted law bans the use of e-cigarettes in vehicles when children and teens under 19 are being transported. Ontario's proposed legislation prohibits e-cigarette use in cars transporting anyone under the age of 16.

Bars, restaurants and workplaces

Provinces that have drafted e-cigarette legislation are essentially treating the devices like cigarettes. Anywhere cigarettes cannot be smoked, e-cigarettes will also be prohibited.

The Nova Scotia law includes places such as schools (including the grounds), cinemas, bowling alleys, laundromats, libraries, buses, ferries, taxis, bingo halls, casinos, restaurants and clubs.

The pending Ontario legislation specifies use of the devices will be prohibited in daycares, schools, universities and workplaces.

Quebec's e-cigarette legislation, which was tabled last week, applies the same restrictions on vaping in public as the rules for smoking in public. It also extends the ban on smoking (and vaping) in restaurants and bars to their patios as well.