2014 was the year when workers everywhere started standing up for their rights.

OK, apologies for the puns, but the standing desk really has been one of the rising furniture trends this year with mainstream brands like Ikea getting on board and designers working on foldable, cardboard versions.

Standing desks have been getting increasing attention over the past few years, thanks to research supporting the theory that sitting for long periods of time during the day could be detrimental to our health.

The first modern day interpretations of the concept include models such as the TrekDesk Treadmill Desk, which has been around since 2011, but 2014 showed the idea's mass appeal. Here are five that hit the headlines this year:


Spring brought news of the which features hands-free technology. Users simply press the control button for two seconds and the desk will raise or lower automatically.

Zest Desk

is essentially a portable height extension that can transform any standard work surface into a standing desk. The desk can be assembled in 30 seconds and features two different height levels -- one for your monitor and one for your mouse and keyboard -- to avoid users' having to crane their necks uncomfortably.

Bekant Ergonomi

Proof that the standing desk had really gone mainstream came in the form of Swedish furniture giant Ikea's which allows for sitting and standing positions.


is a standing / sitting desk made from 100 percent recycled cardboard which can be folded up into a carry case and easily carried anywhere. Made from 7mm thick kraft card, it weighs only 6.5 kg but can support the weight of a person.