OTTAWA - A former Israeli security adviser and spy says Prime Minister Harper has offered an "eloquent" assessment of the threat posed by a nuclear-armed Iran.

Harper has faced some criticism for amplifying the drumbeats of war with Iran by repeatedly saying the regime wouldn't hesitate to use nuclear weapons and that it poses a "grave threat to peace and security."

But Uzi Arad calls Harper's assessment eloquent and perceptive.

Arad is a former national security adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and for 22 years was a member of Mossad, the country's intelligence service.

Arad offered the assessment after a hard-line speech to hundreds attending a military symposium in Ottawa at which he advocated threatening Iran with attack as a way to force a diplomatic solution that would end its nuclear ambitions.

Harper hosts Netanyahu in Ottawa next week, a little more than a month after Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird visited Israel.