A glance at some facts and figures about the Haiti earthquake and Canadians:

Canadians confirmed dead: 26

Canadians missing: 91

Canadians located: 1,938, down from 1,967 Tuesday

Canadians believed in Haiti when disastrous quake struck: more than 6,000.

Canadians evacuated: 3,588 transported on 39 flights.

Canadian troops currently in Haiti: 2,000 soldiers, sailors, and air crew on the ground or off the coast.

Canadian military resources: Two ships, HMCS Halifax and HMCS Athabaskan; one Sea King helicopter; six Griffon helicopters; one C-17 heavy-lift aircraft; one C-130 cargo aircraft; hundreds of vehicles and a military field hospital.

Aid delivered by Canadian military: more than 2.5 million pounds of relief and logistical supplies.

Aid delivered by Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA): 1,000 tents, 1,900 hygiene kits, 2,000 mosquito nets, 2,900 blankets, 3,100 kitchen sets, more than 4,000 buckets, 5,000 shelter kits, 5,800 jerry cans and 11,400 tarpaulins.

Canadian aid: Medical supplies, logistics supplies, vehicles, communications equipment, basic food rations, water, three water purification systems with two more expected. Military field hospital established in Leogane. Medical clinic set up in Jacmel.

Government contributions: $60 million to UN appeal; at least 82.5 million in matching funds to registered humanitarian organizations; $11.5 million to six Canadian non-governmental organizations; $8.5 million to International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; $5 million for food, tents, blankets, water, sanitation and protection; $1 million to Red Cross field hospital.

Individual donations: More than $82.5 million, to be matched by government.

Adoptions: Adoptive parents can call 1-888-242-2100 or write question-haiti@cic.gc.ca to discuss their cases.


Some of the latest news and numbers on the international relief efforts in Haiti:

  • Former U.S. President Bill Clinton takes on role as head of United Nations reconstruction and relief efforts in Haiti
  • Hundreds of Haitians take to the streets in the capital of Port-Au-Prince to protest slow food distribution; they also allege corruption among those responsible for handing out relief supplies.
  • Swiss government orders freeze on at least US$4.6 million that was due to be awarded to the family of a former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier; government plans to reverse a court decision handed down before the quake and direct those funds to charities involved in relief efforts.

International military contributions: U.S. military has more than 12,000 soldiers in the region. United Nations peacekeeping force consists of 7,000 military peacekeepers and 2,100 international police. UN has agreed to send 2,000 more troops and 1,500 more police officers for a total of 12,600 personnel on the ground.

Total aid committed from other governments: about $1 billion.

Death toll in Haiti: Roughly 200,000, estimate by the European Union, quoting Haitian officials.

Number of homeless in Haiti: one million, European Commission estimate.

Number of people living in makeshift camps: between 700,000 and 800,000.