CFB TRENTON, Ontario - The body of the latest Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan is due to arrive Wednesday at C-F-B Trenton in eastern Ontario.

The military jet carrying the remains of Gunner Jonathan Dion is due to land at 2 p.m. ET.

Dion, who was 27, was killed Sunday when the armoured vehicle in which he was riding was hit by a roadside bomb west of Kandahar City.

Dion, who was stationed at CFB Valcartier near Quebec City, is the 74th Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan since 2002.

Relatives say Dion had some tough years that saw him drop out of junior college and drift between odd jobs before military life straightened him out.

Dion's family says he was passionate about serving in Afghanistan, and wanted to go back for a second tour of duty.

Defence Minister Peter MacKay will be among the dignitaries who will be on hand for tomorrow's repatriation ceremony at CFB Trenton.