WASHINGTON - California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger formally announced Monday that he'll head north in May on a trade mission.

"I am very excited to visit Canada, our state's second largest trading partner,'' he said.

 "Californians share so much with our neighbors to the north, whether it is a desire to protect our environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions or our entrepreneurial spirit.''

He'll visit Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver from  May 29 to 31st.

"I look forward to meeting with Canadian government officials to share the benefits of our state's burgeoning clean-tech industry, promoting California as a travel destination and encouraging Canadians to buy California's goods and services.''

In preparation for the trip, Schwarzenegger met last week with B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell to discuss reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Campbell said the two leaders want to launch a climate change initiative between their jurisdictions that could potentially include the Canadian and United States governments.

He and Schwarzenegger discussed developing a formal agreement to reduce vehicle exhaust emissions and promote greener sea ports.

Canada sends more visitors to California, about one million in 2005, than any other country except Mexico, contributing US$710 million to the state economy and supporting more than 7,000 California jobs.