TUCSON, Ariz. - A spokesman for U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords says she plans to return to Florida to watch her astronaut husband lead the final launch of the space shuttle Endeavour.

C.J. Karamargin says Monday that his boss, who represents Arizona, is awaiting word on when the flight will be rescheduled.

Giffords had travelled from Houston to Cape Canaveral to watch the launch scheduled for last Friday but was delayed because of a technical problem. The launch is off until at least Sunday.

Giffords has since returned to the Houston rehab hospital where she's been undergoing treatment after being shot in the head while meeting constituents. She was one of 13 people wounded in the Jan. 8 shooting in Tucson. Six others were killed.

Jared Loughner has pleaded not guilty to 49 federal charges.