VANCOUVER - The family of three children murdered by their father in Merritt, B.C., in 2008 is angry the father has won a delay in his latest psychiatric review.

Allan Schoenborn asked the B.C. Review Board for an eight-month delay, saying he didn't think it was right to have his case heard so close to the fourth anniversary of his children's murders.

The children's mother, Darcie Clarke, and her family say they've made the same request several times to avoid conflicts with the anniversary, but have always been refused.

Clarke's cousin, Stacy Galt, says the system bends over backwards for a murderer when it can't even help the victim.

Schoenborn was found not criminally responsible for the murders and is confined to the Forensic Psychiatric Hospital in Port Coquitlam, but is allowed an annual review of his case to determine if he should be given any liberties.

B.C. Attorney General Shirley Bond says the province is continuing to push the federal government for a change that would scrap mandatory yearly reviews.