MONTREAL - The families of the two latest Canadian soldiers to die in Afghanistan are beginning to deal with their loss.

Forty-one-year-old Warrant Officer Hani Massouh and 31-year-old Corporal Eric Labbe were killed Sunday when their armoured vehicle rolled over southwest of Kandahar city.

Both were members of the Second Battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment -- the Van Doos -- based out of CFB Valcartier in Quebec.

Labbe's family in Rimouski is trying to avoid the spotlight as they try to come to terms with Eric's death.

Gaetan Labbe, Eric's uncle, says "there is a lot of emotion right now.''

He says, "We'll get over it, but it's very difficult.''

Labbe says the family is also dealing with the recent death of Eric's aunt.

Labbe's only other overseas posting during a six-year career with the military was a 2002 rotation in the former Yugoslavia.

He reportedly thought about leaving the Forces during a trip back to Rimouski last month.

Massouh, who was born in Alexandria, Egypt, was a career soldier, having served in the Forces for more than 17 years.

He was a veteran of several overseas missions.