Drake was in fine form after the Raptor’s NBA championship game, stepping up to a pool of reporters in the midst of the celebrations to give them his thoughts on the win.

“We did this. We did this off of heart,†Drake said. “We did this off of love.â€

Motioning to his hat, he said; “you see what my head says. Not finals. Not Eastern Conference. Not ‘nice try’ or ‘see you later.’

“Champions. Let’s go.â€

Speaking about the NBA Finals MVP Kawhi Leonard, Drake looked up at a screen and said that Leonard was “bringing ‘ships (championships) to the city - I want my chips with the dip that’s all I know.â€

“I don’t want my chips plain; I want my chips with the dip. So bring them dips!â€

Later in the evening, Drake celebrated on a Instagram live video with his 58 million followers, repeating his desire for chips with dip - and announcing that he would drop two new songs in honour of the Raptors win. 

Whether creating new lyrics on the fly or poetic license in describing how he ‘wants it all’ and to ‘go all in,’ Drake never disappoints.