Opening her Super Bowl LI halftime show with a subtle political statement, Lady Gaga belted out a medley of "America the Beautiful" and "This Land is Your Land" before rappelling down to the stage for an electric performance.

With a backdrop of drones forming the United States' flag, the singer talked about the country being one nation undivided, referencing the American pledge of allegiance before descending from the top of NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas to burst into "Poker Face.â€

Reaction to her opening lines ranged from a belief that it was a pointed message to the new U.S administration and President Donald Trump, while others saw it as a purely patriotic message.

On a lighter note, some viewers thought Lady Gaga's plunge at the start of the show was reminiscent of a very different musical performance.

Others thought her outfit was reminiscent of a wrestler-turned-actor from "The Running Man."

Her 13-minute performance ranged from high-energy dancing with her early hits, to a subdued performance of "Million Reasons" as fans waving torches surrounded her pedestal, forming a shining sun.

As the song progressed, Gaga left the piano to distribute hugs to surprised fans.

Closing out the show with the hit "Bad Romance" – wearing an outfit designed to look like football pads – Gaga finished her performance by dropping her mic and catching a bejeweled football, earning scrutiny from both football players and fans.

Her performance earned plaudits online, with particular praise coming from a singer known for his own cover of "America the Beautiful" as well as a former vice-president.