In typical Kanye West fashion, the outspoken rapper shocked his fans with an unexpected tirade about the U.S. election, racism and Donald Trump at a concert in San Jose, Calif. on Thursday night. Audience members shared videos online of West’s ranting, which monopolized an hour of the show according to one fan who live-tweeted the event. During one outburst, West declared that he didn’t vote in the presidential election earlier this month, but if he did, he would have voted for Trump.

“If I would’ve voted, I would’ve voted on Trump,” West announced.

The comment was met mostly by boos from the crowd although some audience members could be heard cheering in a few of the videos posted online. Some fed-up fans even stated in posts on social media that they were leaving the show.

Twitter lit up with angry posts slamming the musician for supporting the controversial future president.

Kanye West on racism

The provocative musician told his audience that he agreed with some of Trump’s ideals but that it didn’t mean he doesn’t support women’s rights or Black Lives Matter movements. He told his agitated listeners they should stop focusing on racism in the U.S. because it’s just a fact. He said neither Trump nor Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton would have been able to change that.

“Specifically to black people, stop focusing on racism. This world is racist, okay? Let’s stop being distracted to focus on that as much.” . “We are in a racist country, period.”

West is known for making his opinions about race public. In 2005, he infamously declared that then-president George W. Bush didn’t care about black people during a live telethon raising money for Hurricane Katrina victims.

Many fans were just upset that they were forced to listen to his ideological views instead of the music they expected.

Kanye West on running for president

The attention-grabbing rapper also took the opportunity to reaffirm his . Although he said he didn’t agree with all of Trump’s policies, West said he did admire his communication style. that he would run using a new model that would focus on education.

“We can start with America. And bring together the best of all skill sets. Education, housing. There’s so many elements that I’ve been out here learning,” West said.

Twitter users had mixed reactions to the apparent seriousness of the musician’s presidential bid.