ā€˜Jeopardy!ā€™ host Alex Trebek has been struggling with ā€œdeep, deep sadnessā€ since his cancer diagnosis but says heā€™s drawing strength from his supportive fans, during an interview with Good Morning America.

The long-time game show host, who first announced his diagnosis in March, told GMA host Robin Roberts how the ongoing treatment has been affecting him.

Trebek said one of the more difficult parts of dealing with the disease is the chemotherapy because he wasnā€™t expecting the feelings that often accompany treatment.

"What Iā€™m not used to [is] dealing with the surges that come on suddenly of deep, deep sadness and it brings tears to my eye,ā€ he said Wednesday.

He jokes that ā€œIā€™ve discovered in this whole episode, ladies and gentlemen, that Iā€™m a bit of a wuss." Trebek stressed he wanted to be open about all his experiences, including the depression he was facing.

ā€œChemo affects people in different ways and people have to understand that, and that thereā€™s nothing wrong with saying ā€˜Hey, Iā€™m really depressed today and I donā€™t know why,ā€ Trebek said.

The 78-year-old Greater Sudbury, Ont.-native added that he has another chemotherapy session next week, when heā€™d also get an update on his progress.

ā€œMy oncologist tells me Iā€™m doing well even though I donā€™t always feel it. Iā€™ve had kidney stones, Iā€™ve had ruptured discs, so Iā€™m used to dealing with pain,ā€ Trebek said.

During his initial video last month where he revealed his stage 4 pancreatic cancer diagnosis, Trebek said he would continue hosting ā€œJeopardy!ā€ for a while.

But on Wednesday, he said heā€™d be taking a step back from his hosting duties over the summer.

"I feel weak all the time and thatā€™s not a good place to be," Trebek said, adding heā€™ll use the break to the rest before the next stages of his treatment.

In the meantime, he took solace in the fact that his fans were regularly giving him support and the strength to keep fighting. Trebek said viewers have been sharing "advice, good thoughts, and prayers" with him.

ā€œI think Iā€™ve learned that Iā€™m an extremely lucky individual because, in spite of the fact that this diagnosis is not a good one, Iā€™ve managed to receive so much love from so many people," Trebek said.

"Quite often you donā€™t get that during your lifetime. After youā€™ve passed, after youā€™re dead, people say ā€˜He was such a good guy, we really liked him.ā€™ But Iā€™m getting that all before that event and it makes me feel really, really good,ā€ he said smiling.