The crowd-funding platform and video-sharing and distribution site are officially joining forces in order to help aspiring directors kick start their cinematic careers.

Announced at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival, which is currently underway in Utah, the partnership will offer filmmakers not only a source of funding for their works but also a platform for marketing and distribution once the movie is in the can.

Although tech gadgets that have successfully gone from a conceptual idea to a real-world reality tend to capture all of the crowd-funding headlines, sites like Indiegogo are proving to be very adept at helping people get their feature film and feature documentary projects off the ground.

Likewise, over the past 12 months, Vimeo has been transitioning its service from a YouTube competitor to a site that nurtures creative talent and offers filmmakers total control over how they market, distribute and share their videos and, crucially, monetize their creations. Although the site has its fair share of free video clips, content creators can also add pay-per-view and on demand functions to their titles and, since December, it has also supported uploads in 4K ultra-high definition.

What the partnership means is that if you choose to raise money for a film project via Indiegogo, you can then access Vimeo's distribution and marketing expertise and get a significant discount on a Vimeo Pro account. What's more, Vimeo has pledged to commit up to a million dollars in matching funds for select Indiegogo funded film campaigns in 2015.

The first project to reap the benefits of the new partnership is Malcom Carter's "," a documentary on the interconnectivity of all things that has to date managed to attract $258,350 in funding on Indiegogo -- 172% of its initial $150,000 target.