A cheeky satirical video has made a case for U.S. President Donald Trump to consider “Switzerland second.â€

Citing reasons like a mutual love of Russia, a lack of Mexicans, and women who are all “10s,†the nearly four-minute clip follows on the heels of a aimed at securing preferential treatment from the new U.S. administration.

“Listen Donald. We totally understand it is going to be America first. But can we just say Switzerland second,†said the film’s narrator in a spot-on Trump impression.

has been viewed more than 450,000 since it was posted on Thursday. Many are using the hashtag #SwitzerlandSecond to tweet the video at Trump.

“Dear Mr. President, welcome to this introduction video about Switzerland, the sexiest country in Europe. Look at those mountains those big fat mountains. We’re not flat, like for example the Netherlands. They’re so flat. Total disaster,†said the film’s narrator.

The video makes liberal use of sweeping shots of the Swiss Alps and dated footage of Swiss women frolicking in bucolic pastures, while bragging about the fact Swiss women were not allowed to vote in parts of the country until 1991.

“We also love to treat our women badly,†said the narrator. “We grab them by the civil rights. They let us do it. It was great.â€

The film goes on to boast that Switzerland is so pretty even the slums are clean, the flag is a “huge plus,†and the Swiss invented gangster rap and Brexit (which would be better named “Swexit†or “Switzerleaveâ€).

The Switzerland video is among the latest viral creations aimed at explaining European nations to the new U.S. President. Seven videos - including submissions from Lithuania, Portugal, and Belgium - have been posted to the website as of Friday afternoon.

While the overall style is consistent, the accuracy of the Trump impressions are somewhat hit and miss.

German satirist Jan Böhmermann’s video introduction of the Germany brags that his countrymen have the “best beerfest God ever created†and refers to Germans urinating Bud Light.

Belgium’s video takes aim at Trump for calling Brussels a “hellhole†for its role as home of the European Parliament. It also suggests he may enjoy Manneken Pis, Belgium’s famous bronze sculpture depicting a naked boy urinating into a fountain.