This year, the dark horse ended up winning the race to become Canada’s most watched YouTube video.

Google’s video streaming site put out three top-10 lists Tuesday for the country’s most-watched videos of the year, creating separate categories for music videos and advertisements.

You might have seen most of them already, but chances are you’ll find a few gems you missed over the past 12 months.

Top Music Videos in Canada for 2014

Music videos tend to garner the most hits on YouTube, so the site separated the songs from the rest of its content. This year, the women definitely took over, taking the top eight spots on the list.

Katy Perry put out the most popular video with her hit Dark Horse, which has more than 700 million views since being released in February.

Following her are seven more songs with female vocals, including Nicki Minaj, Meghan Trainor and Taylor Swift. Check out the Dark Horse video and the rest of the songs below.

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Top Non-Music Videos in Canada for 2014

At the top of the charts for non-music videos was a lip sync battle between Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon and The Amazing Spider-Man actress Emma Stone.

The two throw down in a silent sing-off well worth watching for Jimmy Fallon’s dance moves and Emma Stone channeling her inner rapper.

Watch the Tonight Show performance below, and read the rest of the list for a man bending an iPhone, an alternative ending to Frozen and celebrities reading mean tweets about themselves.

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Top Ads in Canada for 2014

YouTube also put together a list of its most popular advertisements. The winner of the commercial category was a video of people receiving special gifts from TD thanking them for being customers.

A few other tear jerkers make the list, but some light-hearted affairs also make the top 10, including a globe-trotting food adventure featuring soccer star Didier Drogba.

  1. by TD Canada
  2. by Budweiser
  3. by Always
  4. by Tatia PIlieva
  5. by Dove
  6. by Turkish Airlines
  7. by Save the Children UK
  8. by Evian
  9. by Buzzfeed + Purina
  10.  by American Greetings