VICTORIA - The filmmakers behind a comedic web series in British Columbia are facing fierce backlash after they tried to tackle economic disparity with ticket prices.

Organizers for the Victoria premier of "Building the Room" used "justice pricing" when tickets went on sale last week, with white males being charged $20, while others paid $10.

Sid Mohammed, a spokesman for the production, says organizers wanted to address the fact that white males tend to have more purchasing power than other demographics.

But he says they received a "huge amount" of backlash on the pricing, including emailed death threats and accusations that the practice was racist and constituted discrimination.

Organizers have responded by lowering the admission price for white males to $15 and announcing that any profits from the door will be donated to the Native Friendship Centre of Victoria and the Victoria Pride Society.

Mohammed says he appreciates the community's engagement on the subject and doesn't believe it will over-shadow the show's premier later this month.