“Game Of Thrones” is one of the few shows on TV that’s widely loved by critics, fantasy fans and casual TV viewers alike. So when anyone famous references it, everyone perks up — especially if it’s U.S. President Donald Trump.

Trump posted a photo on Twitter Friday morning warning “sanctions are coming” by tweaking an often repeated phrase from the show: “Winter is coming.” The original phrase is the family motto of the Starks who the series follows.

Some people — including of — weren’t thrilled about Trump’s use of the HBO fantasy show’s imagery.  Within minutes, people took to Twitter and offered their own “Game Of Thrones”-related responses.

Some users just quoted lines from the show to hit back at the president, while others criticized Trump’s use of an image based on a show about royalty and nobles brutally fighting for power.

HBO chimed in and objected to Trump using the show’s imagery despite people often using the phrases and iconography online without their expressed permission. They the same response: "We were not aware of this messaging and would prefer our trademark not be misappropriated for political purposes."

The White House’s official Twitter account followed up on Trump’s original tweet several hours later, stating that on Nov. 5 it would . The sanctions had been loosened by the Obama administration after Iran signed onto the 2015 nuclear deal.