ST. JOHN'S, N.L. - Liberal Leader Stephane Dion is pledging to foster a relationship of co-operation with Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams, who has a history of feuding with Ottawa.

Dion and Williams met today in St. John's and talked generally about several issues, including equalization and the province's fisheries, after which Williams said Dion is a man he can trust.

The pair said they didn't intend to reach any formal agreements, but rather open a dialogue that would continue if Dion is elected prime minister.

Williams has threatened to campaign against Prime Minister Stephen Harper in the next election over Ottawa's handling of the fiscal imbalance, but says he hasn't committed to actively campaign for Dion.

After the federal budget was tabled last month, Williams started a national ad campaign alleging the prime minister broke a promise to exclude offshore oil and gas revenues from equalization calculations.

In December 2004, Williams ordered all Canadian flags pulled down from provincial buildings during talks with the former Liberal government over the same issue.