FORT MEADE, Md. - Lawyers for the Army intelligence analyst blamed for the biggest national security leak in American history rested their case Wednesday, with closing arguments ahead before Pfc. Bradley Manning learns whether he will face a court-martial.

The 24-year-old is accused of illegally downloading hundreds of thousands of U.S. war and diplomatic cables and a classified military video of an American helicopter attack in Iraq that killed 11 men and sending the data to the WikiLeaks anti-secrecy website. The government says the breach rattled U.S. foreign relations and imperiled valuable military and diplomatic sources.

The government wants Manning court-martialed on charges including aiding the enemy. If convicted, he could face life in prison.

Manning's defence Wednesday rested its case after calling only two witnesses: a sergeant who witnessed one of Manning's fits of rage in Baghdad and a captain whom the private served under in Iraq.

The hearing then was recessed until closing arguments Thursday.

Defence lawyers painted Manning as a troubled young man who shouldn't have had access to classified material or served in Iraq. Their witnesses said he was prone to emotional outbursts and that military computer security was lax at Manning's Baghdad office.

Prosecution witnesses said Manning was well trained in rules prohibiting release of classified information. Forensic computer experts testified that they had retraced his keyboard strokes as he downloaded secret State Department diplomatic cables and raw battlefield reports from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Adrian Lamo, a convicted hacker, said Manning confided to him in May 2010 that he was the leaker. Lamo informed authorities.

After closing arguments, presiding officer Lt. Col. Paul Almanza will give his opinion of whether Manning should be court-martialed. Then, a senior military officer will make the final decision. The process could take several weeks.

Manning remained outwardly composed as witness after witness talked about his emotional problems, his homosexuality and his violent outbursts while still in the United States and during his tour of duty in Iraq from late 2009 to mid-2010.

A half-dozen men and women have come and gone from gallery seats behind the prosecutor's table, declining to identify themselves to journalists but apparently representing the Justice Department, the CIA or other government agencies.

Across the room are Manning's supporters, including a young man from the Occupy Wall Street movement and an elderly military veteran wearing a "Free Bradley Manning" T-shirt.

Attorneys representing WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange also observed, as did an Amnesty International representative.