Canadians are convinced that global warming exists and that it is having a negative impact on day-to-day living, says a new poll.

The Angus Reid survey says 77 per cent of Canadians are convinced that global warming is a problem. Only two per cent flatly reject the notion that the earth's climate has changed.

Thirty per cent of Canadians feel that climate change is a pressing issue in this country and that it should be given almost as much attention as health care.

About 70 per cent of respondents believe that theories about global warming are "true science," 12 per cent think they're "junk science" and 19 per cent are not sure.

Men (17 per cent) were more likely than women (seven per cent) to identify global warming as junk science.

Views about global warming also vary from province to province.

Only 69 per cent of Albertans are convinced that the phenomenon is real in contrast to 83 per cent of Quebecers.

Overall, 47 per cent of Canadians said they regularly encourage others to be more environmentally conscious.

About one-third of Canadians, 32 per cent, feel climate change is the most important issue facing humanity. A higher number, 54 per cent, feel it is no more important than other issues like HIV/AIDS, poverty or terrorism.

A second report from the poll will be released next week dealing with Canadian behaviour towards climate change.

The Canadian Press reported on some additional findings of the report that suggests wealthy, educated Canadians are worried about global warming but not enough to give up some of life's luxuries.

The results show a majority of Canadians are still unwilling to switch to fuel-efficient vehicles or to lower their thermostats at home.

Spending less time in the shower or cutting down on air travel were also things that those polled did not want to give up.

The survey polled 3,698 Canadian adults between March 6 and 19, 2007. The margin of error for the total sample is 1.6 per cent, 19 times out of 20.

With files from The Canadian Press