MONTREAL - There will be a sea of Montreal Canadiens jerseys in the crowd tonight, watching a high-stakes poker game in Las Vegas.

Close to 50 friends and family will be there, wearing that familiar hockey jersey, as Jonathan Duhamel tries to become the first Canadian to win the World Series of Poker.

The 23-year-old Montrealer, an avid Habs fan, could win US$9 million in tonight's tournament final.

He's already beaten a field of 7,300 competitors and will take home at least US$5.5 million -- even if he loses.

Duhamel, who's known online as "Poker Jon," is described as a funny guy who doesn't get stressed when he plays.

One friend says Duhamel wears what has become his trademark black hoodie while he plays so he can shut out all distractions and concentrate on his game.

Former Quebecer Philippe Boucher, who now lives in Las Vegas, met Duhamel a few years ago and has played against him in a few friendly tournaments in Quebec.

He says his pal is down-to-earth, easygoing at the poker table -- and a good bluffer.

Duhamel has other passions -- including hockey and ultimate fighting. He also claims to be able to recite every single line from his favourite movie "Rounders."

The film is, fittingly enough, about high-stakes poker.