Depp wore his full costume and spoke to patients in character as he posed for photos, handed out gifts, chatted with kids and engaged in a few foam-sword duels with the more adventurous children at the hospital.

“He really took time with all the kids and he didn't rush,†patient Logan Johnson-Lay told CTV Vancouver. Johnson-Lay had the good fortune of being Depp’s guide at the hospital.

“He’s basically my boyfriend,†she added with a laugh. “He, like, kissed me five times!â€

Logan’s mother, Jennifer Montgomery-Lay, was more than impressed with the Hollywood star.

“He was reciting lines with kids in their room and he was on the floor playing with kids in their diapers,†she said. “He was so human… It took my breath away.â€

Even hospital officials couldn’t believe it.

“He was Captain Sparrow the whole time -- he didn’t take a break,†Debora Sweeney, the hospital’s vice-president and chief strategy officer said. “He spent time really talking to the patients, to their families.â€

Depp also whispered welcome words of encouragement.

“’Be brave,’ ‘Keep going,’†Sweeney said. “Just really these messages of strength."

The hospital posted several photos of Depp with patients on social media.

“Johnny Depp showed he has a heart of gold by spending more than five hours meeting one-on-one with every patient, from newborns to teens,†the hospital wrote on Instagram.




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“I didn’t wake up in the morning knowing that I was going to see Johnny Depp today,†patient Kendra MacLeod beamed.

Depp is in Vancouver this summer to shoot the upcoming film "Richard Says Goodbye."

He also surprised patrons at a bar in downtown Vancouver late last month.