NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE, Ont. - Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne says a situation in which an elderly couple married for nearly 70 years was placed in different long-term care homes should not happen.

The NDP raised the case of 92-year-old Jessie and her 93-year-old husband Clarence, who had been living together at a retirement home in Grimsby then were sent to different homes, one in Grimsby and one in nearby St. Catharines.

Wynne says Health Minister Eric Hoskins' office is working with the local Community Care Access Centre to find a solution.

She says her own parents have been married for 64 years and it is very important to their mental and physical well-being that they are together.

New Democrats say Ontario's spousal reunification policy in the long-term care system is inadequate.

Health critic France Gelinas says this couple is not the first to go through this, so the policy must change so no other couple has to.