TORONTO -- A Canadian man stranded in China due to the coronavirus outbreak has documented his young family’s journey to Wuhan airport for Canada’s first repatriation flight.

Michael Schellenberg from Fredericton, N.B. recorded video of his journey through the quarantined city of Wuhan, describing the bleak scenes around him.

“I've taken this road (main highway to Wuhan) many times, it's normally bustling with traffic, cars, transports, but we’ve so far just seen see one car minus us,†he said.

“It really does feel like a zombie movie."

In views reminiscent of a post-apocalyptic movie, the city of 11 million people is deserted after authorities ordered an unprecedented quarantine of 11 million people there on Jan. 23, in an effort to contain the deadly outbreak.

Schellenberg, 32, made the journey to Wuhan’s airport with his wife Summer, his son Felix and his father-in-law.

A second chartered flight, scheduled to depart Monday, will evacuate all remaining Canadians in Wuhan, according to Foreign Affairs Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne.

The novel coronavirus, labelled 2019-n-Cov, has infected more than 31,400 people globally and killed 636, mostly in China.