VANCOUVER - A critic of Vancouver's marijuana dispensaries says she's not surprised the city's police board has dismissed a complaint lodged by her group.

Pamela McColl of Smart Approaches to Marijuana Canada has accused the police department of not doing its duty "to maintain law and order" by not shutting down all pot shops in the city.

The city recently became the first in Canada to regulate its 100 marijuana dispensaries, requiring owners to undergo criminal record checks and pay a $30,000 licence fee.

The police board, chaired by Mayor Gregor Robertson, voted unanimously yesterday to dismiss McColl's complaint after less than 10 minutes of discussion.

McColl says she doesn't believe the new regulations will root out dispensaries that are selling to youth or involved with organized crime.

She says the dispensaries will proliferate and do whatever they want to do, noting they don't believe in law and order.

Deputy police chief Doug LePard delivered a report, stating criminal laws are less effective than municipal bylaws at closing illegal businesses.