VANCOUVER -- The University of British Columbia is setting up a task force in response to an American travel ban that prevents residents of seven countries from entering the United States for 90 days.

UBC president and vice-chancellor Santa Ono says that the university is deeply concerned about the new executive order signed by President Donald Trump on Friday.

Ono says UBC is especially concerned about the effect of the executive order on some students, faculty and staff, as well as other scholars in Canada, the U.S. and around the world.

The newly formed task force has an initial budget of $250,000 and Ono says it will immediately begin work to determine what assistance the university can offer those affected by the travel ban.

A release issued Sunday night says UBC strongly affirms that it will continue to welcome students, faculty and staff from around the world, including those seeking refuge from violence and hardship.

It says UBC's academic strength and stature depend on the freedom of faculty, staff and students to travel abroad, and actions that restrict this movement based on a person's nationality or birthplace go against the university's values.