Toronto Blue Jays legend Joe Carter had some advice for recent NBA champion Kawhi Leonard: L.A. wonā€™t love you like Toronto will.

Carter, who was part of both the baseball clubā€™s 1992 and 1993 World Series wins, said winning the first time meant ā€œhaving your name enthralled in history for the rest of your entire life and thereafter.ā€

Despite nearly three decades passing since he hit the pivotal home run in the 1993 win, Carter told CTVā€™s Your Morning, ā€œyour name can still be prominent in Canada.ā€

But he said it likely wouldā€™ve faded if heā€™d made the play on a team in another city full of sports stars, such as Los Angeles.

ā€œBut (thereā€™s) something about being in Canada and bringing the first World [Series] championship outside of the U.S. in baseball to Canada,ā€ Carter said, adding that a similar feeling is likely washing over players on the Raptorsā€™ squad.

The Canadian Baseball Hall of Famer said the team bringing home their first NBA championship ā€œhas a great ring to it.ā€

The Toronto Raptors recently won their first NBA championship and on Monday, the streets of the city were filled with a massive crowd of fans who turned out to cheer the teamā€™s victory parade.

Leonard will officially become a free agent next month and heā€™s been quite silent on whether he intends on staying with the Raptors. But Carter hopes he ā€œmakes the right decisionā€ because ā€œToronto is the place to be, baby."

ā€œThere are so many similarities between my career and what Kawhi is going through,ā€ he said, explaining that, like Leonard, he too was a free agent after winning the World Series.

He could have left after the Blue Jayā€™s first win in ā€˜92 and signed on with a higher profile team, but ultimately chose not to. At the time, Carterā€™s wife, children and family were living in Kansas City but he felt that ā€œitā€™s not always good to play where you live at.ā€

ā€œI had a dream and the Lord showed me that coming back to Toronto was what I needed to do,ā€ he said, adding that, ā€œToronto has become my second home.ā€

He said, ā€œToronto was one of the best times of my entire life.ā€

Since then, Carter has been a part of several philanthropic efforts, including his annual charity golf tournament, which is now in its 10th year.

The baseball star said he helped start the Joe Carter Classic Golf Tournament as way to ā€œgive back to the community.ā€ Since it began, Carter estimates that $3 million has been raised for the Childrenā€™s Aid Foundation and other charities in the Greater Toronto Area.

ā€œIf weā€™re on the pedestal, why not make something great happen?ā€ he said. ā€œIf we can give these kids some hope, Iā€™m all for it.ā€