The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall will arrive in Canada Sunday for a four-day visit.

During the trip, Prince Charles and Camilla will travel to Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.

This royal tour marks the 150th anniversary of the 1864 conferences in Charlottetown and Quebec City that led to the creation of the Dominion of Canada, and the 100th anniversary of First World War. The visit also celebrates the anniversary of Queen Victoria’s birthday.

Here’s a look at his Canadian homecomings over the years:

1970: Charles’ first visit to Canada. The young Prince of Wales, 22, spends a few days in Ottawa by himself and then joins the Queen, Prince Philip, and Princess Anne for the centennial celebrations of Manitoba and the Northwest Territories’ inclusion into Confederation.

Prince Charles 1970

1975: Charles visits Ontario and the Northwest Territories during an official 11-day trip. During his time in Canada’s north, the prince takes a dive under the Arctic sea ice in Resolute Bay and drives a sled-dog team. On account of his naval career, Charles also remains in Canada for more than a month afterward aboard HMS Hermes, visiting New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Montreal.

Prince Charles 1975

1976: Along with the Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward, Charles attends the Montreal Olympics to cheer on his younger sister Anne, the Princess Royal, who competes in equestrian events.

Prince Charles and Royal Family 1976

1977: Prince Charles visits Canada in celebration of the Queen’s Silver Jubilee, which marks the 25th anniversary of her reign. He is awarded the Canadian Silver Jubilee Medal, which is now presented to citizens who have made significant contributions to their communities or the country. Charles also attends celebrations to mark the 100th anniversary of the Treaty 7 signing in Alberta, which gave the British Crown control of the province’s southern region.

1979: During a one-week stay, his Royal Highness visits Ontario, Manitoba, British Columbia, and the Northwest Territories.

Prince Charles 1979

1980: The heir to the throne visits Ottawa and British Columbia. One notable stop takes place at the Pearson College of the Pacific in Victoria -- part of an alternative educational movement for which he and his uncle, Lord Mountbatten, had presided over.

1982: Charles makes a two-day stop in Victoria to revisit Pearson College, and receives a Canadian Forces Decoration.

1983: Two years after their marriage, Prince Charles visits Canada with Diana, Princess of Wales, for the first time. They tour the Maritimes to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Newfoundland becoming a British colony and open the World University Games in Edmonton, where Diana celebrates her 22nd birthday. Although Prince Charles does all the public speaking during the trip, Diana captures the majority of media attention.  

Princess Diana Prince Charles

1986: The Prince and Princess of Wales visit Vancouver to open Expo 86. At one point during the fair, Diana faints, raising speculation that she was ill or pregnant. She is neither; however, later that year Diana admits to developing bulimia nervosa. This marks the first time Diana met Canadian singer Bryan Adams, who had two years earlier co-written a song titled “Diana,†intended to be a spoof of the royal couple’s marriage. He stopped playing the song after her death.  

1991: The Prince and Princess of Wales visit Ontario, along with their two young sons, Prince William and Prince Harry. It is the princes’ first foreign overseas trip with their parents. There is widespread speculation about the state of Charles and Diana’s marriage at this time, as they had separate itineraries for much of the tour that reflected their own personal interests. Diana and the boys are famously photographed on a Maid of the Mist tour of Niagara Falls.

Diana and princes on Maid of Mist

1996: Prince Charles pays a solo, week-long visit that includes stops in New Brunswick, Ontario and Manitoba.

1998: Prince Charles makes an appearance in Vancouver, before visiting Whistler with Prince William and Prince Harry for a ski trip. This was mostly a private vacation, less than a year after Diana’s death.

Prince Charles 1998

2001: The Prince of Wales visits the Yukon, Saskatchewan and Ontario during a five-day trip. In Saskatchewan, he is awarded the Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal. It also marks the first time he has visited Yukon.

Prince Charles 2001

2009: For the first time,Charles and Camilla visit Canada together as a couple after their 2005 marriage. The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall travel to Newfoundland, Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia. Anti-monarchy demonstrations overshadow the Quebec portion of the trip.

Charles and Camilla in 2009

2012: The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall journey to Canada once again for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, celebrating the 60th anniversary of her reign. The couple is well-received compared to their 2009 visit, as the 2011 royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton had boosted the popularity of the British monarchy.